This eBook is a step-by-step guide on responding when a crisis strikes your organisation.


What's covered in your FREE eBook:

Media First Orange Tick

Crisis planning checklist

Media First Orange Tick

Defining your crisis

Media First Orange Tick

Understanding vulnerabilites

Media First Orange Tick

Building your crisis team

Media First Orange Tick

Holding statements

Media First Orange Tick

Testing your crisis plans

Media First Orange Tick

Showing you CARE

Media First Orange Tick

The four stages of a crisis

Some of our happy customers:

About Media First

Media First has been delivering bespoke media, presentations and communication training for more than 40 years.

In that time, we have delivered and developed a range of practical training techniques and courses that use experienced professionals, such as practising journalists and presenters.

We have worked with press and communication teams alongside their spokespeople in over forty different sectors.

Our crisis training courses work because they are realistic, practical and fun.