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'What to wear?', it's that age old question. Over 80% of viewers will make up their mind about you and your company by the way you look even before you’ve opened your mouth. So, with a new series of The Apprentice starting tonight on BBC1, what will we make of the suited and booted wannabees that take part. 

This year, the team photo shows the usual group of young men trying in vain to look as though they should fit in to any top boardroom, but for the women it appears to be all about high heels and big hair. Not that there’s anything particularly wrong with a pair of Jimmy Choos and a combination of highlights and hair extensions. If anyone was in any doubt, image is still king.  I’m willing to wager a small bet that for any of you who have seen the photo you will have already decided who you think is going to be the prima donna or the boy wonder of the series.  Even before we’ve seen the first episode. However, despite some of their appearances - they are not stupid. They understand perfectly that this is their opportunity to make their mark, to use the media to say ‘look at me’. Admittedly it’s a gamble, and yes they may crash and burn. But, if they make it through the first episode, it’s the ones with the most defined image that the media will latch on to and write about.

This particular piece of entertainment is a real marmite moment – you either you love it or hate it.  However, it provides a perfect example of what any spokesperson in any organisation needs to think about before they agree to do a broadcast interview. How frustrating must it be to have spent hours putting together a cleverly crafted message that will reach out to your audience only for it to fall on deaf ears as those watching spend the whole time discussing your poor taste in jackets. So before you see the red record light go on, or the technician is clipping the tiny microphone to your lapel, just take a moment to think. You need to come across as someone the audience can trust, that represents authority and demonstrates you’re in control of the situation.  Viewers expect you to look neat and tidy, not like you’ve just been dragged through a hedge backwards.

If, like me, you are one of the many thousands who will be tuning in to watch tonight just remember, you may have to look beyond the fake tans and loud suits before you decide who will be this series winner.

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