
Media Training Tips – The Doorstep interview

Written by Adam Fisher | June 14, 2013

It’s easy to say ‘don’t panic’, however when you’re surrounded by a pack of hungry journalists there’s not a lot of time to think calming and rationally about what to do next. We’ve all seen it on the telly as the chief executive rushes in through the front door of the office surrounded by an assortment of microphones and cameras.  But, by not saying anything, it looks like you’re running away. It’s about giving the journalists a morsel, something they can chew on whilst you and your team work out what to do next. By addressing the media briefly, and making it known that you will be coming back to them shortly with more information, this should be enough to send them scuttling back to their laptops.  If you offer nothing, they will assume you have something to hide and the situation can quickly escalate. In this clip Sian explains the dos and don’ts of handling the ‘doorstep’ interview.

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