Looming deadlines are what all journalists have to deal with on a daily basis. In the world of rolling news there is a constant pressure to get the story out there before somebody else does. This is why TV journalists often want to do the interview ASAP, not when it might be more convenient for the spokesperson concerned. But logistics often dictate that there is no time to get the interviewee into the studio. This is where the ‘down the line’ interview comes in. You’ve probably see them before, where the guest speaker is standing outside his or her offices, fiddling with their ear as they strive to hear the interviewer’s questions from London. It can be disconcerting as you can’t see the person who is asking the questions, so can’t read any body language or facial expression. Dealing with remote technology can be a little daunting so here is Sian to guide you through the techniques you can use to make sure you deliver a confident performance.
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