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So here I am writing a blog, wondering why the majority of the population now feel compelled to write a blog? What is it that has created this explosion of literary slaves to want to write about nothing and everything on a daily basis?

Maybe its our primeval need to want to interact with one another, not  to sit lonely in our cave  but to debate discuss and hopefully reach some kind of conclusion as to why things are the way they are.

Reaching any kind of conclusion around why the weird and wonderful world of the media has come to dominate and invade so much of our lives is challenging enough.  But then actually having to face being interviewed by a journalist can be even worse!

However journalists aren’t as bad as you think (honest) and they love blogs. They feed off blogs to find out what’s going on out there. What are you cross about? What do you feel strongly about? What is helping you and your organisation to grow and what isn’t?

So maybe blogging isn’t such a bad idea. It’s free, it enables you to engage with your audience and you can increase awareness of your product or service.  Plus it’s interactive so you can gain an insight into what your customers really think of you.  (Please be gentle this is my first attempt!)

So hopefully by me stepping through the looking glass into this open forum of debate, I can give you an insight into why I think the media behave the way they do. I can tell you how to control your spokespeople when they are running for cover and screaming they never want to do another interview again or to simply put down into words how I feel after having ranted at the radio on my way to work.

However before I head off and shout “bloggers of the world unite!”, I think I might need a bit more practice so if you would like to follow my progress please tag along and read our blog and hopefully we’ll both learn a thing or two together!









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