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So as we all settle into 2013 and get back into knowing what day it is, the news agenda does the same.  In the month that is notorious for being rather thin on the ground for good ‘news’ stories, the Government coalition have decided to announce a re-launch of their strategies. Half way through their term of Government it has been decided that a quick refresh should be the order of the day.  Time to refocus and show the great British public what they are actually going to do before the next election. Tough challenge when most people are simply focussing on paying off those Christmas bills or rebalancing their Child Benefit along with their waistline and suppressing the urge to pop outside and have a fag when no-one is looking. Whether they manage to inspire us with confidence or not will remain to be seen. However one little gem  has come out of those many think tanks and focus groups that politicians love so much.  Nick Clegg is to appear on LBC (London’s Biggest Conversation) every Thursday morning for a 30 minute phone-in.  Clegg is quoted as saying it’s a way of “keeping in touch with how people are thinking and feeling”- Now this is a good idea. Whether it was decided by committee or by paper scissors between Nick and Dave as to who would grasp this particular nettle we will never know. But this could work to their advantage.

At Media First we are always advocating the importance of knowing how to connect with your audience. Our media training courses help you keep your messages clear and simple so that your customers can really relate to the product or service and develop a personal relationship with the brand. Once you have this loyalty there is more of a willingness to forgive if a negative story breaks, or mistakes are made. You buy yourself some time to manage your reputation. This is why radio interview training is so important. It’s such an intimate medium. You are able to talk to the listener on a one to one basis whether it’s in the car, office or at home. The listener feels like you are just talking to them. This means the language needs to be personal – using phrases like “Only the other day I was driving into town when....” The listener can visualise you doing exactly the kind of things that they do on a daily basis.

By practicing your skills in our fully equipped radio studio you can also get used to the feel of what it’s like in sound proof room with headphones on and microphones that are ‘live’ all the time.  We can recreate recorded or live interviews for any given scenario including live radio ‘phone ins’!

A training session for your key spokespeople on the merits of radio interviews could be a great start to the year. They make all the mistakes in a safe environment before going out into the real world. We have current working radio journalists who have up to the minute knowledge of working on all the major radio networks in the UK. So why not tune into Nick and see if your guys could do any better!

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